By Jason Apuzzo. • Paris Hilton signs on as celebrity ambassador for the USO, vows to visit troops overseas. Good news! Taliban responds by unfriending her on Facebook.
• Even in 2010, enlightened-progressive Hollywood still casting white people as ethnic minorities, says LA Times. Jake Gyllenhaal as a ‘Prince of Persia’? Sure! While we’re at it it, let’s cast Joe Biden as Flava Flav.
• Miss USA explains recent photos – and her stance on illegal immigration – on Fox News. Fox News still waiting to grill her on the GATT tax and Elena Kagan.
• Crave Online posts 5 ways to improve the next season of V. My advice? Set the show in the 80’s and bring back Marc Singer.
• Ken Loach pops off about the Iraq War at Cannes. I thought he was dead.
• Shrek overdose now official as sequel disappoints at box office. Plus: Dreamworks stock drops as a result. Dreamworks begs Christopher Nolan to reboot franchise.
• Robert Rodriguez’s pseudo-controversial Machete looking for Texas tax incentives. Doesn’t Rodriguez know? It’s still cheaper to shoot in Mexico, and the beer’s better.

• Christian mega-churches are the new training ground for American Idol singers. I also read somewhere that Christian mega-churches are the new training ground for NFL defensive backs. Is there a connection?
• Michael Caine speaks out about promoting the UK’s Conservative Party. They should get him to a Tea Party rally dressed as Harry Palmer.
• AND IN MORE SERIOUS NEWS … Cannes Film Festival announces its prize winners (see here and here) under cloud of ongoing Jafar Panahi jailing. Juliette Binoche accepts her best actress prize holding “Jafar Panahi” sign. Panahi reportedly may be granted parole by Iranian government. The noted filmmaker has reportedly begun a hunger strike. Read this 2006 interview with Panahi, in which he declares that his films are not political. Sign the petition to Free Jafar Panahi.
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood …
ALSO: Special thanks to ‘John Boot’ and Pajamas Media for their article today on the re-launch of Libertas. Welcome to Pajamas Media readers.
UPDATE: Special thanks to Lars Larson today for having LFM’s Govindini Murty on his national show to talk about LFM. Welcome to all of Lars’ listeners.
Even in 2010, enlightened-progressive Hollywood still casting white people as ethnic minorities, says LA Times.
It’s even worst than that. They’re casting gay actors as straight characters. You’d think they could find a straight actor someplace in Hollywood. Right? RIGHT?
Now personally, I don’t care who plays a character as long as I believe they’re that character on screen, but apparently the LA TIMES does.