LFM Reviews Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story @ DOC NYC 2015

By Joe BendelBy now, nobody puts too much stock in Wikipedia and other online databases. This is especially true when it comes to the filmographies of Harold and Lillian Michelson. For years, their contributions to classic Hollywood productions as a story board artist and researcher have been vaguely credited or completely uncredited. They finally get their due in Daniel Raim’s Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story, which screens during this year’s DOC NYC.

Unsung is maybe a slight exaggeration in Harold’s case, since he was able to graduate up to production designer gigs, earning two Oscar nominations (including one for Star Trek: the Motion Picture). Still, it is not like people out there are saying: “of course, Harold Michelson. He was the production designer on Johnny Got his Gun.” Credits for Lillian Michelson are even sketchier, but she enriched hundreds of pictures, often through research into period design details, but also into more specialized fields, such as occult imagery for the dream sequences in Rosemary’s Baby. Francis Ford Coppola thought so much of her, he ensconced her and her research library at his Zoetrope Studios, but unfortunately that did not last as long as he hoped.

Obviously, their Greatest Generation romance and six decades of marriage are of central importance to the film. It is quite endearing, but most viewers will be more interested in their contributions to classic cinema. Happily, one of the directors who comes off the best in their recollections is everyone’s favorite auteur, Alfred Hitchcock, who treated Harold like a genuine collaborator on The Birds and Marnie. Coppola and Mel Brooks also have plenty of nice things to say as does Harold’s old crony, executive producer Danny Devito.

From "Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story."
From “Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story.”

Sadly, Harold Michelson passed away in 2007, but Raim still has sufficient interview footage for him to be a consistent presence in the film. The poems in his handcrafted valentines and birthday cards to Lillian also provide an ironic running commentary on their lives. However, the surviving Lillian always gets the last word, not that that would concern her beloved Harold. She is absolutely lovely, but she can also dish like Hedda Hopper, which makes her reminiscences highly watchable.

The Michelsons’ work is way more interesting than you might think and they are quite charming to spend time with. It is a super nice film that will be catnip for regular TCM viewers. Warmly recommended, Harold and Lillian screens tomorrow (11/17) and Wednesday (11/18) at the IFC Center, as part of the 20105 DOC NYC.


Posted on November 16th, 2015 at 6:22pm.

LFM Reviews India’s Daughter on PBS

IndiasDaughterBy Joe BendelIt was horrific crime that shocked the world and inspired unprecedented demonstrations all over India. In its wisdom, the government sprang into action, banning a BBC documentary featuring an interview with one of the convicted rapist-murderers. However, in the digital age, they will never cram the genie back into the bottle. The attitudes expressed by Murkesh Singh and the two appalling lawyers who represented the unrepentant predators are indeed incendiary, because they are apparently so widely held. However, Leslee Udwin also pays tribute to Jyoti Singh, the medical student with so much to offer her country, so cruelly prevented from fulfilling her promise. Viewers will share the outrage expressed by the New Delhi protestors after watching Udwin’s India’s Daughter, which airs this Monday on PBS, as part of the current season of Independent Lens.

Jyoti Singh came from humble means, but through hard work and family sacrifice, she had successfully completed medical school. With her internship starting soon, Singh decided to enjoy an evening at the movies with a male friend (widely reported to be Ang Lee’s Life of Pi, which hardly seems to deserve such tangential infamy). For five men and one juvenile whose name remains undisclosed, this constituted immodest behavior and therefore gave them license to gang-rape and brutalize her. Along with her battered companion, Singh was left for dead by the side of the road.

To their initial credit, the New Delhi cops swept up the rapist-killers pretty quickly. That would be Murkesh Singh, his brother Ram Singh, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta, Akshay Thakur, and the juvenile six months too young to be tried as an adult. However, when it became clear the authorities and media just didn’t get the seriousness of the situation or the pervasiveness of the underlying misogyny, tens of thousands took to the streets and took the blows of the police batons that followed.

It is hard to say which is more damning, the dissembling of Murkesh Singh or the chauvinist ramblings of attorneys ML Sharma and A.P. Singh. Evidently, both counselors now stand to lose their licenses, because you can be disbarred in India for making extremely stupid public comments (an enlightened aspect of the Indian legal system worth replicating internationally).

Udwin’s interview subjects cogently explain the subsequently legal reforms instituted as a result of the 2012 New Delhi attack, as well as the widespread skepticism regarding their implementation. Frankly, the film is remarkably comprehensive, considering it clocks in just shy of an hour. Yet, despite the controversial comments made by the convicted killer and the two defense attorneys, it is the raw, inconsolable grief of Jyoti Singh’s parents that will truly cut viewers off at the knees.

From "India’s Daughter."
From “India’s Daughter.”

There is not much left to say after the credits roll. However, in a mistaken attempt to make it feel more universal, Udwin closes with rape and abuse statistics culled from nations around the world, but since she is not using consistent criteria, it looks suspiciously cherry-picked and therefore deadens the film’s impact. That is about her only misstep—and given the grooming gang scandals that rocked Rotherham and Birmingham in the UK, the strategy is not necessarily wrong, just clumsily executed. Regardless, India’s Daughter is a powerful combination of elegiac humanism and scalding expose. Highly recommended, especially given its censored status, India’s Daughter premieres this Monday (11/16) on most PBS outlets.


Posted on November 16th, 2015 at 6:21pm.

LFM Reviews Sky Line @ DOC NYC 2015

By Joe BendelIn the 1970s, Arthur C. Clarke predicted that you would read this review. It was all a matter of science and he was one of the best at putting the “s” in “sf.” Recently, Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs opened with Clarke’s outlandish prophecy that personal computers would one day become commonplace and now a new documentary prominently features Clarke’s conception of a space elevator, and the 1979 novel The Fountains of Paradise in which they reshape our world. Of course, his predictions regarding computers have already come to pass, but the space elevator’s time has not yet come. Miguel Drake-McLaughlin & Jonny Leahan profile the scientists and entrepreneurs trying to realize the not-impossible space elevator dream in Sky Line, premiering at this year’s DOC NYC.

Sky Line does a super job explaining the space elevator idea for layman, which in itself is probably a significant contribution to the discourse. Essentially, it is like a tether ball. Some kind of node is attached to the terra firma by an enormous chord that becomes taut due to the Earth’s rotation. In theory, we should be able to zip cargo and space vessels up that line much more economically than by using dirty old rockets. The problem is we do not quite have strong enough material for the cable yet, but we are close.

The space elevator seems tantalizingly doable, but NASA has not exactly taken a leadership role in its development. It has largely been left to private academic and entrepreneurial concerns. Some of the various space elevator proponents share what could be described as a friendly rivalry, whereas others clearly do not. Michael Laine, the founder of LiftPort seems to a real feather-ruffler, but he certainly put his money where his mouth was. He is also probably the film’s best interview subject.

There is a lot of interesting science made understandable in Sky Line, but probably the coolest stuff in the film are the excerpts from the abridged Fountains of Paradise LP read by Clarke himself and all the striking retro Chesley Bonestell-style concept art. Unfortunately, the film suffers from the lack of a clear dramatic arc, but there is not a lot Drake-McLaughlin and Leahan could do about that, short of rolling up their sleeves and brainstorming a breakthrough in carbon nanotube technology.

From "Sky Line."
From “Sky Line.”

Arguably, there is even more urgency to the drive to realize the space elevator concept than Sky Line suggests. Right now, the American space program has no manned space travel capacity. We are entirely dependent on Russia if we want to hitch a ride to the International Space Station. Obviously, this is a highly problematic situation. Regardless, Sky Line does a nice job explaining the concepts and benefits of the space elevator, but it doesn’t quite fire up the audience the way proponents were probably hoping. However, it is highly informative, which is certainly laudable. Recommended for space program boosters and those interested in popular science, Sky Line screens this Sunday (11/15) and the following Wednesday (11/18) at the IFC Center, as part of DOC NYC 2015.


Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 12:42pm.

LFM Reviews Cambodian Space Project—Not Easy Rock ‘n’ Roll @ The 2015 Hawaii International Film Festival

By Joe BendelDuring the swinging sixties, Cambodia’s King Sihanouk was composing rock & roll tunes. Unfortunately, when he made his Faustian deal with the Khmer Rouge, he had to shift gears and churn out patriotic dirges. Needless to say, Cambodians prefer his earlier work. The 60s pop surveyed in Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten remains popular, but sadly nine out of ten Cambodian recording artists were murdered during Pol Pot’s socialist genocide. However, an unlikely new group has found success giving those catchy tunes a fresh contemporary spin. Marc Eberle documents their formation and growing pains in Cambodian Space Project: Not East Rock ‘n’ Roll, which screens during the 2015 Hawaii International Film Festival.

When Australian musician Julien Poulson met Srey Thy [Channthy], she was working in a karaoke bar. Her job did involve singing, but other duties were implied, as Poulson quickly confirmed. However, something about her stage presence stuck with him. Like a Cambodian Pretty Woman, Poulson hatched an idea to form a band with Srey Thy, combining elements of Western and Cambodian pop.

Despite her humble status and other assorted prejudices against her, the Cambodian Space Project kind of sort of takes off. In the short run, this means more gigs than dough. However, Srey Thy starts to envision a respectable future for herself—with Poulson, at least for a while. Let’s just say their relationship evolves considerably.

Cambodian Space Project might be the only band truly worthy of a reality TV show. There is a heck of a lot going on with them backstage (even though Eberle problematically ignores the other members of the group). Yet, in many ways, the identity of the CSP is inextricably intertwined with the tragic history of Cambodia. Srey Thy has a particular affinity for the sassy songs of Pen Ran, who was one of so many artists deliberately ferreted out and executed by the Khmer Rouge for their involvement in bourgeoisie culture. She can also directly observe the effects of their reign of terror in her father, who ostensibly survived the genocide, but remains deeply traumatized by the tortures he endured.

From "Cambodian Space Project—Not Easy Rock ‘n’ Roll."
From “Cambodian Space Project—Not Easy Rock ‘n’ Roll.”

Clearly, chronicling the Cambodian Space Project was a mission of passion for Eberle, who also directed several of the band’s videos. He invested several years following them around the world, capturing some significant and telling moments as a result. While their story is deeply Cambodian, it has elements both Horatio Alger and O. Henry would appreciate. Of course, that messiness makes it rather fascinating, in a voyeuristic kind of way.

While Eberle’s doc is nowhere near as emotionally moving or aesthetically elegant as Davy Chou’s Golden Slumbers, it is briskly paced and incorporates some cool graphics and interstitial animation. It is also nice to be hipped to such a groovy band. Recommended for fans of world pop, Cambodian Space Project: Not East Rock ‘n’ Roll screens this Friday (11/13) and Monday (11/16) as part of this year’s HIFF.


Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 12:42pm.

LFM Reviews I Am Sun Mu @ DOC NYC 2015

IAmSunMu2By Joe BendelIn the post-Warhol era, Sun Mu is one of the few (perhaps only) artists who shuns the media as well as the trappings of fame. He has good reason. As a defector from North Korea, he must be secretive, for reasons of survival. Even his professional name is a pseudonym, meaning “no boundaries.” Despite the differences in their circumstances and styles, it is not impossible to compare him to Ai Weiwei. It was therefore quite a surprise when he was invited to mount a solo show in China. Adam Sjöberg chronicles the artist’s eventful visit while scrupulously protecting his identity in I A Sun Mu, which screens during this year’s DOC NYC.

You might think you know exactly where this story is headed and you will be correct, except there is way, way more to it. Not surprisingly, Sun Mu’s work is controversial in South Korea (he bristles at the term “pop art,” but it is handy shorthand in this context). Through a strange chain of events, Sun Mu befriended Chinese-Korean artist Cui Xiangi, who introduced him to Liang Ke-gang, the curator of the Yuan Museum of Art in Beijing. Being extraordinarily brave and maybe a bit naïve, Liang proposed a one-man exhibition to Sun Mu. Although mindful of the considerable risks, the prestige involved was too significant to turn down.

Thanks to Liang’s hospitality, the early days in China were quite pleasant for Sun Mu, his South Korean wife, and their young daughters. However, as the opening day approaches, tension rises. In addition to the usual last minute crunch, Sun Mu and Liang worry the Chinese government will disrupt their plans at the request of their North Korean allies. Had the Party allowed the show to proceed, their critics would have had to give them credit and eat crow. Unfortunately, that plate of crow will have to wait for another day. If anything, the Chinese authorities and North Korean enforcers exceed our expectations, in the worst way possible.

Like a quarterback facing a ferocious pass rush, Sjöberg stays in the pocket, capturing the ugliness of censorship and thuggery as it unfolds. That alone gives the film scalding power. However, Sjöberg also fully explores the implications of Sun Mu’s life and art. In many ways, he is one of the luckier defectors, who has been able to de-program his “brainwashing,” start a loving family, and build an impressive career. His stories of life in the DPRK are absolutely harrowing, but his exile also comes with deep sadness. Yet, he has no nostalgia for the Kim Dynasty, whom he explicitly blames for the North Koreans’ suffering.

From "I Am Sun Mu."
From “I Am Sun Mu.”

Throughout the film, Sjöberg films Sun Mu from behind or obscured by shadows, which might sound distractingly awkward, but actually gives the film a distinctively noir vibe. He truly immerses viewers in Sun Mu’s work, which Ryan Wehner literally brings to life through elegant animated sequences. As a result, even though we never see Sun Mu directly, the audience will feel they intimately understand the artist.

Among documentaries, I Am Sun Mu is a rare breed apart that manages to be visually stylish and gutsy as all get-out. Frankly, the last half hour is like one cold bucket of water to the face after another. Yet, it is ultimately a deeply humanist cinematic experience. Easily ranking as the best of this year’s DOC NYC and one of the best films currently on the festival circuit, I Am Sun Mu screens in New York this Sunday (11/15) at the Bow Tie Chelsea and Tuesday (11/17) at the IFC Center, as well as next Friday (11/20) and the following Saturday (11/21) as part of the 2015 Hawaii International Film Festival.


Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 12:41pm.

LFM Reviews On the Rim of the Sky @ DOC NYC 2015

By Joe BendelBy now, Westerners know to be wary whenever do-gooder activists show up offering their services out of the goodness of their hearts. A provincial Chinese primary school teacher learns that lesson the hard way in one of the most isolated schools in the world. Xu Hongjie documented every agonizing step of the resulting clash of values and personalities in On the Rim of the Sky, which screens during this year’s DOC NYC.

You know what they say about the Road to Hell? Well, in this case, it is debatable just how good the Che Guevara-idolizing Bao Tangtao’s intentions really are. Regardless, it is safe to say he enjoys getting praised for his supposed altruism. In contrast, “Teacher Shen” Qijun has been content to quietly plug away as the only teacher students of Gulu village have known for the last twenty-five years. However, because Shen only has a middle school diploma, the educational bureaucracy classifies him as a substitute teacher. As a result, he has earned a pittance compared to so-called full time teachers.

Since Gulu is literally built into the side of a treacherous cliff face, Shen has been the only teacher willing to stay in the mountain village. Initially, he welcomed the help offered by Bao and his colleagues from an Americorps style non-profit, but it was clear the “volunteers” were more interested in taking bows than actually teaching, right from the start. Unfortunately, Shen also flashes his temper a little too freely, resulting in a bitter and prolonged conflict between the two. Frustratingly, most of the village apparently sides with Bao and his cronies, because they can bring the development funds. Despite the official complaints they convince the villagers to file, Shen has one trump card in their power struggle—he controls the school’s bank account.

Rim is one of the most draining, disillusioning films you will see all year. Xu resists playing favorites between Shen and Bao, but she simply catches the latter in too many unflattering moments to maintain an air of neutrality. Plus, the bitterly ironic implications of the closing scene are impossible to miss.

From "On the Rim of the Sky."
From “On the Rim of the Sky.”

The drama Xu records is massively real and the stakes are hugely significant. Yet, just the act of filming in Gulu represented a serious challenge. It is about as accessible as Shangri-La, but that vivid sense of place further distinguishes Rim from equally disenchanting but dingier looking independent Chinese documentaries.

Rim plays like a collaboration between Jia Zhangke and Arthur Miller, but it is all real life happening. It is a real feat of nonfiction filmmaking that will make you gasp in several different ways. Xu’s multi-year investment pays off in spades with a film that will ultimately turn your stomach to ice. Very highly recommended, On the Rim of the World screens this Sunday morning (11/15) at the IFC Center, as part of DOC NYC ’15.


Posted on November 13th, 2015 at 12:40pm.