LFM Reviews The Babushkas of Chernobyl @ DOC NYC 2015

By Joe BendelThey saw starvation during the Holodomor, Stalin’s forced starvation of Ukraine and radiation sickness during the Chernobyl meltdown. The latter paled compared to the horrors of Stalin. Having persevered through Stalin’s terror, they were not about to let a little thing like radiation scare them off. Holly Morris & Anne Bogart visit several of the two hundred-some matronly survivors who returned to their once-abandoned homes in The Babushkas of Chernobyl, which screens during this year’s DOC NYC.

The once bustling villages and mid-sized towns supporting the Soviet nuclear industry are now overgrown with weeds. Instead of a scorched wasteland, nature has largely taken back the so-called “Exclusion Zone.” According to PBS’s Nature, the wolf population has thrived in recent years. Considering their advanced age and vodka consumption, the “Babushkas” also seem to be doing relatively well. Valentyna Ivanivna attributes her longevity to the healing power of herbs, while Hanna Zavorotnya puts her faith in moonshine. They are probably both right.

Although the government still tightly controls access to the zone, they have semi-officially condoned the women’s recolonization, believing they will succumb to old age before the effects of radiation manifest in their bodies. It seems a quite reasonable position really. In contrast, Morris and Bogart also incorporate some of the video shot by the foolhardy thrill seekers venturing into the Exclusion Zone, often inspired by the Stalker video game. It is certainly fascinating footage to watch, but stupid as hell.

From "The Babushkas of Chernobyl."
From “The Babushkas of Chernobyl.”

Indeed, Morris and Bogart had to take a tag team approach to limit their exposure. We also get a series of timely reality checks from Vita Polyakova, a government guide, who shares the filmmakers’ affection for the Babushkas. Still, between the wolves and the returnees, you have to wonder if there are natural phenomena at work off-setting the effects of radiation.

Granted, the Babushkas are steadily passing away, but what can we expect. They survived the Holodomor, the National Socialist occupation, and in some cases terrible marriages. Frankly, their resiliency and ironic humor is impressive. They are almost as old as Bernie Sanders, but they have actually lived under the socialism he is so blindly devoted to. Perhaps we should listen to them when they tell us to keep plenty of moonshine and pig fat handy. Recommended for the rugged charm of its subjects and an intriguing view of a land few will visit, The Babushkas of Chernobyl screens this Wednesday (11/18) and Thursday (11/19) at the IFC Center, as part of the 20105 DOC NYC.


Posted on November 16th, 2015 at 6:22pm.

LFM Reviews Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story @ DOC NYC 2015

By Joe BendelBy now, nobody puts too much stock in Wikipedia and other online databases. This is especially true when it comes to the filmographies of Harold and Lillian Michelson. For years, their contributions to classic Hollywood productions as a story board artist and researcher have been vaguely credited or completely uncredited. They finally get their due in Daniel Raim’s Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story, which screens during this year’s DOC NYC.

Unsung is maybe a slight exaggeration in Harold’s case, since he was able to graduate up to production designer gigs, earning two Oscar nominations (including one for Star Trek: the Motion Picture). Still, it is not like people out there are saying: “of course, Harold Michelson. He was the production designer on Johnny Got his Gun.” Credits for Lillian Michelson are even sketchier, but she enriched hundreds of pictures, often through research into period design details, but also into more specialized fields, such as occult imagery for the dream sequences in Rosemary’s Baby. Francis Ford Coppola thought so much of her, he ensconced her and her research library at his Zoetrope Studios, but unfortunately that did not last as long as he hoped.

Obviously, their Greatest Generation romance and six decades of marriage are of central importance to the film. It is quite endearing, but most viewers will be more interested in their contributions to classic cinema. Happily, one of the directors who comes off the best in their recollections is everyone’s favorite auteur, Alfred Hitchcock, who treated Harold like a genuine collaborator on The Birds and Marnie. Coppola and Mel Brooks also have plenty of nice things to say as does Harold’s old crony, executive producer Danny Devito.

From "Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story."
From “Harold and Lillian: a Hollywood Love Story.”

Sadly, Harold Michelson passed away in 2007, but Raim still has sufficient interview footage for him to be a consistent presence in the film. The poems in his handcrafted valentines and birthday cards to Lillian also provide an ironic running commentary on their lives. However, the surviving Lillian always gets the last word, not that that would concern her beloved Harold. She is absolutely lovely, but she can also dish like Hedda Hopper, which makes her reminiscences highly watchable.

The Michelsons’ work is way more interesting than you might think and they are quite charming to spend time with. It is a super nice film that will be catnip for regular TCM viewers. Warmly recommended, Harold and Lillian screens tomorrow (11/17) and Wednesday (11/18) at the IFC Center, as part of the 20105 DOC NYC.


Posted on November 16th, 2015 at 6:22pm.

LFM Reviews India’s Daughter on PBS

IndiasDaughterBy Joe BendelIt was horrific crime that shocked the world and inspired unprecedented demonstrations all over India. In its wisdom, the government sprang into action, banning a BBC documentary featuring an interview with one of the convicted rapist-murderers. However, in the digital age, they will never cram the genie back into the bottle. The attitudes expressed by Murkesh Singh and the two appalling lawyers who represented the unrepentant predators are indeed incendiary, because they are apparently so widely held. However, Leslee Udwin also pays tribute to Jyoti Singh, the medical student with so much to offer her country, so cruelly prevented from fulfilling her promise. Viewers will share the outrage expressed by the New Delhi protestors after watching Udwin’s India’s Daughter, which airs this Monday on PBS, as part of the current season of Independent Lens.

Jyoti Singh came from humble means, but through hard work and family sacrifice, she had successfully completed medical school. With her internship starting soon, Singh decided to enjoy an evening at the movies with a male friend (widely reported to be Ang Lee’s Life of Pi, which hardly seems to deserve such tangential infamy). For five men and one juvenile whose name remains undisclosed, this constituted immodest behavior and therefore gave them license to gang-rape and brutalize her. Along with her battered companion, Singh was left for dead by the side of the road.

To their initial credit, the New Delhi cops swept up the rapist-killers pretty quickly. That would be Murkesh Singh, his brother Ram Singh, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta, Akshay Thakur, and the juvenile six months too young to be tried as an adult. However, when it became clear the authorities and media just didn’t get the seriousness of the situation or the pervasiveness of the underlying misogyny, tens of thousands took to the streets and took the blows of the police batons that followed.

It is hard to say which is more damning, the dissembling of Murkesh Singh or the chauvinist ramblings of attorneys ML Sharma and A.P. Singh. Evidently, both counselors now stand to lose their licenses, because you can be disbarred in India for making extremely stupid public comments (an enlightened aspect of the Indian legal system worth replicating internationally).

Udwin’s interview subjects cogently explain the subsequently legal reforms instituted as a result of the 2012 New Delhi attack, as well as the widespread skepticism regarding their implementation. Frankly, the film is remarkably comprehensive, considering it clocks in just shy of an hour. Yet, despite the controversial comments made by the convicted killer and the two defense attorneys, it is the raw, inconsolable grief of Jyoti Singh’s parents that will truly cut viewers off at the knees.

From "India’s Daughter."
From “India’s Daughter.”

There is not much left to say after the credits roll. However, in a mistaken attempt to make it feel more universal, Udwin closes with rape and abuse statistics culled from nations around the world, but since she is not using consistent criteria, it looks suspiciously cherry-picked and therefore deadens the film’s impact. That is about her only misstep—and given the grooming gang scandals that rocked Rotherham and Birmingham in the UK, the strategy is not necessarily wrong, just clumsily executed. Regardless, India’s Daughter is a powerful combination of elegiac humanism and scalding expose. Highly recommended, especially given its censored status, India’s Daughter premieres this Monday (11/16) on most PBS outlets.


Posted on November 16th, 2015 at 6:21pm.