LFM Reviews Sanchu Uprising @ Japan Cuts 2015

By Joe Bendel. Feudalism was never any fun for the peasants. It was especially hard for the farmers, woodsmen, and iron-workers of Sanchu. They were regularly transferred from lord to lord, so each could collect his taxes within the same year. In 1726, they rose up and said enough. Unfortunately, factionalism would be their undoing. The cowardly Jihei was not much help either. It is through his unreliable eyes that viewers witness the revolt and its aftermath in Juichiro Yamasaki’s Sanchu Uprising: Voices at Dawn, which screens as the closing film of this year’s Japan Cuts, the Festival of New Japanese Film in New York.

Jihei’s brother-in-law Shinroku is probably the only member of his wife’s more well-to-do family who likes the roguish black sheep. As the various lords continue to exploit the region, Shinroku naturally expects Jihei to join the brewing rebellion. However, the not-terribly-principled Jihei has decidedly mixed feelings. Sadly, his worst instincts are stoked by the spirit of Manzo, a recent friend, who took the fall with the Shogunate authorities years ago for a dodgy scheme Jihei was running. Guilt mixed with fear will not lead to good decision-making for the sad sack Jihei.

Shinroku and Jihei are farmers, as is the charismatic leader of the rebellion. However, the woodsmen provided the movement’s critical mass. When they are sold out at the bargaining table, Shinroku knows the samurai and nobles will be able to successfully divide and conquer.

Even though it is a downer, Sanchu’s first act chronicling the ill-fated Uprising is by far the strongest. Watching the older and sadder Jihei wrestling with his angst and misgivings is not nearly as compelling. Frankly, the post-uprising sequences are over-stuffed with inconsequential encounters and meta-postscripts set in the present day. Still, there are some striking black-and-white animated interludes that give the film an unusual flavor.

Although his character is a problematic focal point, Naohisa Nakagaki shows an impressive range as Jihei. The large ensemble is wildly talented, particularly Kano Kajiwara, who is quite touching as the long-suffering Tami. However, they are often laboring against Yamasaki’s artificial stylization. Yet, that strangely seems to work in the case of Ayako Sasaki’s discordant, percussion-heavy experimental jazz score. It is certainly not the sort of music that lulls you into complacency.

Almost three hundred years after the Uprising, governments are still leveling punitive taxes on the productive classes. Indeed, during its best moments, Sanchu leads us to question just how far we have socially advanced since the feudal times. It is an uneven film, but when it connects, it hits hard. Recommended on balance for those who appreciate Jidaigeki films with a contemporary sensibility, Sanchu Uprising: Voices at Dawn screens Sunday night (7/19), at the Japan Society, as the closing film of Japan Cuts ’15.


Posted on July 18th, 2015 at 9:59pm.

LFM Reviews Ludo @ Fantasia Fest 2015

By Joe Bendel. You have to give credit to these four hard-partying Kolkata club kids. When they stumble into a Hostel-like hotel, they have the good sense to get the heck out of there. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a case of out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire in Q & Nikon’s Ludo, which screened tonight during the 2015 Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal.

Ria and her BFF Payal are girls who just want to have fun. They have hooked up with two slicksters who just want to have sex. Ria and Payal are not opposed, at least not after some drinking and dancing, but finding a motel that is no-tell enough in socially conservative Kolkata is a tricky proposition. After scrambling out of the aforementioned suspicious love hotel like Shaggy and Scooby, they resolve to just sneak into the mall after closing. The air conditioning is the key selling point.

It is all good, clean fun for a while, until the four carousers realize they are not alone in the mall. They are sharing the space with two Grunge-ish evil entities who have one thing on their minds: blood. Just who are these malevolent beings? Q and Nikon are glad you asked, because most of the third act is dedicated to their backstory—and it’s a killer. It involves an ancient, sentient dice game that is profoundly evil, but fatally seductive.

From "Ludo."

Q and Nikon are two filmmakers, but grateful poster designers will never have a problem laying out their names on a one-sheet. Ludo’s jaded perspective on modern Indian life will come as no surprise to those familiar with Q’s banned opus Gandu. Nevertheless, even by horror film standards, it is an unusually dark film, in every sense of the word. It depicts the world as a predatory place, dating back centuries. While Q & Nikon are short on proactive recommendations, they seem to take perverse glee in giving the finger to polite Bengali and Bollywood cinema. There are no sentimental love songs here, but driving club music is certainly a prominent element of their cocktail.

The small ensemble, led by Subholina Sen, is sufficient to the task, performing at a level equal to what you might see in a typical Blumhouse film. Although it was probably shot on a shoestring, Devika Dave’s design team created some suitably creepy props. Q & Nikon also fully capitalize on their nocturnal urban settings.

Knowing the subversive cultural context of Ludo definitely adds to its enjoyment, but it is the energy and attitude that really hook viewers. It is a relatively straight forward narrative, yet Q & Nikon manage to upend several genre clichés. Enjoyably strange and gory, Ludo is exactly the adrenaline shot to the heart South Asian horror cinema needs. Recommended for fans who want to see something different, Ludo screened tonight (7/18) as part of this year’s Fantasia.


Posted on July 18th, 2015 at 9:59pm.

LFM Reviews Crimson Whale @ Fantasia Fest 2015

From "Crimson Whale."

By Joe Bendel. This post-apocalyptic fable suggests what might happen if Moby-Dick and Captain Ahab were to crash Kevin Costner’s Waterworld. The world is mess, but a mysterious pirate captain still wants a piece of the legendarily ferocious lava whale. Since it happens to guard a vast horde of priceless minerals, she has no trouble recruiting a crew. However, the whale-calling street orphan Ha-jin never signed on for this mission. Nevertheless, she finds herself part of the team in Park Hye-mi’s Crimson Whale, which screens today during the 2015 Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal.

Ha-jin has a gift for establishing mental links with whales (it also seems to work with porpoises). Unfortunately, her mother exploited her talents, forcing her to lure in whales to be butchered for food and fuel. It was not merely distasteful for Ha-jin, because she shared their emotional pain. When Ha-jin refused to facilitate any further slaughter, she was subsequently abandoned. Forced to fend for herself on Busan’s earthquake-devastated streets, Ha-jin survives as a thief and smalltime dealer. Just when the law (such as it is) catches up with her, the mysterious Captain saves her from a nasty fate. In this case “saving” means she shanghaies Ha-jin into service for her assault on the great Crimson Whale.

Although Crimson is set during a tectonic Armageddon, Park’s screenplay is admirably restrained in its environmental soap-boxing. For all we know, the beginning of the end started naturally. However, it presents viewers two strong female action figures. Ha-jin is sensitive, but also resourceful and resilient. All things considered, she is much less prone to self-pity than many anime protagonists facing far less dire circumstances. There is also something appealingly Harlockian about the grudge-holding Captain.

Frankly, Crimson’s animation is pretty conventional, but Park still creates an intriguing world, mixing and matching genre elements and archetypes in rewarding ways. Within this milieu, it is hard to say with certainty where Doomsday ends and the post-apocalyptic times begin. Everyone seems to be carrying on like they used to, at least as much as possible, even though they are surrounded by anarchy.

Briskly paced, Crimson Whale has series potential (at least for a handful of characters). It really is one of the better dystopian-killer whale-piracy-coming-of-age films in recent years. Recommended for older animation fans (teens and above), Crimson Whale screens today (7/18), as part of this year’s Fantasia.


Posted on July 18th, 2015 at 9:59pm.

LFM Reviews Twinsters

By Joe Bendel. It sounds like a jokey internet meme, but twins separated at birth is clearly a more frequent phenomenon than we might have previously assumed. Thanks to the internet, we now know better. That is how Samantha Futerman was introduced to her twin, Anaïs Bordier, currently residing in London. Recognizing the value of her story for other adoptees, Futerman and co-director-cinematographer Ryan Miyamoto documented the twins’ getting-to-know-you process and their eventual search for their Korean birth mother in Twinsters, which opens today in New York.

Futerman’s acting career was going comparatively well, all things considered, but Bordier’s friend actually saw her in a web video rather than 21 & Over or The Big C. Needless to say, he found the resemblance uncanny. Soon, the two suspected twins are skyping and compulsively texting each other. Neither of their adoption records mentions any siblings, yet there are similar inconsistencies in their files that only encourage their suspicions.

It would probably be spoilery to reveal the outcome of the DNA testing, but the fact that it happens midway through the film should give you a clue, as should the film’s very existence. Despite Bordier’s initial reluctance, they will indeed travel back to Korea (which really ought to cinch it for you). It is there the film really kicks in emotionally when they meet the two very giving women who served as their foster mothers before adoption.

From "Twinsters."

It is good that the film has those moments, because it needs more of that sort of lift. Twinsters arrives in theaters roughly nine months after the PBS broadcast of Mona Friis Bertheussen’s Twin Sisters, which is much more engaging, because its subjects are younger and still coming to grips with who they are and how they perceive the world. They are really nice kids, whereas the “Twinsters” are grown adults, whose discovery of each other isn’t so very dramatic. As a result, the later film suffers in comparison.

Still, their encounters in Korea are quite touching. The film finally gives foster mothers some of their just due, which is a good thing. Nevertheless, the first two acts have a lot of texting and not a lot of heft. There is a built in sibling audience for the well intentioned and reasonably pleasant Twinster, but they will find Twin Sisters more rewarding. For adoptees who relate, Twinsters opens today (7/17) in New York, at the AMC Empire.


Posted on July 17th, 2015 at 6:35pm.

LFM Reviews A Hard Day

By Joe Bendel. By the standards of the Seoul police force, Det. Go Gun-soo is only moderately corrupt—a few minor payoffs here and there, no big deal. He is also a reasonably decent father, so we can root for him with a clear conscience while also enjoying every one-darned-thing-after-another that falls on his thoroughly compromised head in Kim Seong-hun’s A Hard Day, which opens Friday in New York.

This day has already been one Go would prefer to forget. He has just been served divorce papers from his soon-to-be ex-wife while preparing for his mother’s funeral. It is an especially inconvenient time for the service, considering Internal Affairs is breathing down his neck. In his rush to cover up some incriminating evidence, Go apparently runs over some mysterious derelict with his car. He feels real bad about it, but what’s done is done. To save his neck (or so he thinks), Go manages to stash the body in his mother’s casket just before the burial.

Of course, Go soon figures out that was no vagrant; that was a prime suspect, who was somehow in league with the crooked Lt. Park Chang-min. Park is not simply a little bent like Go. He is a full blown gangster and he makes it his business to torment Go.

From "A Hard Day."

Kim visits more trouble upon poor, meatheaded Go than Job himself endured, but his wickedly black humor makes it all sadistically fun to watch. Somehow he keeps topping himself with clever plot twists and super-charged fight scenes. It is slick, tense, and loaded with cynical attitude. Yet, it is the “gee-whiz-now-what?” face of Lee Sun-kyun (better known for Hong Sang-soo dramedies) that really sells the bedlam.

This is definitely a testosterone driven film, featuring a hardnosed ensemble that really looks like a shady police precinct, especially Jeong Man-sik and Shin Jung-kuen as Go’s exasperated colleague and his world weary squad chief, respectively. Cho Jin-woong is also just flamboyantly evil enough as Lt. Park, without ever going excessively over the top.

It is just impressive to see A Hard Day careen about at such a deliriously breakneck speed. The energy and the humor never flag, while it ends on a rather ironic but wholly satisfying note. For fans of action movies and police corruption thrillers, A Hard Day is indeed the real deal. Highly recommended, it opens tomorrow (7/17) in New York, at the Village East.


Posted on July 17th, 2015 at 6:35pm.

LFM Reviews Asleep @ Japan Cuts 2015

By Joe Bendel. There is nothing more tiring than depression. Nobody illustrates that better than Terako. She sleeps away most of her days, waiting to act cute and shallow when she meets her married lover. That is how he wants things to be. It is most definitely problematic, but it is hard to judge him or her too harshly in Shingo Wakagi’s Asleep, which screened as a selection of this year’s Japan Cuts, the Festival of New Japanese Film in New York.

Terako has good reason to be depressed. Her best friend Shiori recently committed suicide and her lover will probably never be fully emotionally available to her. That is because she met Iwanaga after his irreversibly comatose wife’s accident. Clearly, he is still coming to terms with his wife’s state, but enough time has elapsed for him to seek companionship or whatever.

These are the sort of things Shiori always understood better than Terako. She was natural empathetic, yet it was she who took her own life. Ironically, her exotic line of work may have somehow taxed her psyche. Somewhat like the characters in Julia Leigh’s Sleeping Beauty, she would sleep beside wealthy men in a non-sexual manner, to console them when they woke in the night. That meant unlike Terako, she had to force herself to remain conscious throughout the long dark hours of the soul.

From "Asleep."

Banana Yoshimoto’s source novel and Wakagi & co-screenwriter Kai Suzumoto’s adaptation are not called Asleep for metaphorical reasons. It is a languorous film that shows its star, Sakura Ando, in many states of repose and partial undress. Frankly, there is probably a little too much of that. Granted, Wakagi is trying to instill a sense of inertia, but the first two acts definitely have a vibe of stifling uniformity. However, when Terako engages with Shiori in flashbacks and tentatively challenges Iwanaga, the film is quite compelling. In fact, Wakagi more-or-less pays off all our waiting with a terrific borderline magically real confrontation in the third act. You just have to get that far.

Ando’s performance is rather gutsy, considering how strictly she closes off her emotions. Nevertheless, she vividly conveys all sorts of issues undermining the young sort-of mistress. Arata Iura is just as restrained as Iwanaga. When you see him walking with Terako, he looks like he might shatter if he tipped over. However, the expressive Mitsuki Tanimura truly haunts viewers as the doomed Shiori.

Wakagi’s disciplined aesthetic approach is impressive, but its lethargy is contagious. There are just a handful of moments that carry the film, but they are honest and deep. Respectfully recommended for those who with a taste for intimately raw relationship dramas, Asleep screened at the Japan Society, as part of the 2015 Japan Cuts.


Posted on July 17th, 2015 at 6:35pm.