Jazz at Film Forum: LFM Reviews Syncopation

By Joe Bendel. Kit Latimer could have been a Marian McPartland from New Orleans. She was a proper lady who played a mean piano and married a trumpet player from Chicago. Unfortunately, the Hollywood of 1942 would only give a woman character limited time on the bandstand. While Latimer spends most of the film cheering on her future fiancé, the fictionalized jazz creation story in which she appears is still pretty progressive for its era and swings quite nicely. Jazz musicians get one of their better big screen treatments in William Dieterle’s Syncopation, screening in its DCP restored glory this coming Monday, as part of a special day of jazz programming at Film Forum.

As a little girl, Latimer loved New Orleans, especially the music. She could pound out boogie-woogie piano at a tender age and as fate would have it, her nanny is the mother of Rex Tearbone, a trumpet phenom transparently based on Louis Armstrong. During those early days, the young Tearbone is taken under the wing of King Jeffers, a clear King Oliver analog, played by longtime Ellington band member Rex Stewart.

At first, Latimer resents Chicago, but on her twenty-first birthday a chance meeting with scuffling trumpeter Johnny Schumacher changes her opinion. He takes her to her first rent party, where she hears Chicago-style jazz in its infancy. That rent party nearly ruins Latimer’s reputation, leading to her acquittal in a bizarre “jazz trial.” Regardless, Latimer and Schumacher are meant for each other, but her childhood sweetheart and WWII complicate matters.

It is easy to nit-pick details, but Syncopation deserves credit for getting so much right, starting with the opening montage depicting slavery and the subsequent hardships endured by African Americans. It is an evocative sequence not unlike the Ellington short Rhapsody in Black and Blue, playing as part of Film Forum other special Monday jazz program. One can also discern a good deal of Bix Beiderbecke in Schumacher, who learns how to really swing when jamming after hours with Tearbone, but finds himself stuck blowing in a symphonic so-called jazz orchestra unambiguously modeled on the Paul Whiteman outfit.

From "Syncopation."

The performances are mostly rather earnest and engaging, as well. Jackie Cooper has the right balance of innocence and street smarts for Schumacher (whose solos were mostly played off-screen by the tragic Bunny Berigan), while Bonita Granville’s Latimer makes a glamorous and largely credible hipster (with Stan Wrightsman handling her bluesy piano). Todd Duncan also adds considerable energy as Tearbone, playing him as an unflaggingly cheerful figure, but in a way that is sociable rather than servile. Although not a jazz musician, Duncan the opera baritone will still be of interest to jazz fans for originating the role of Porgy in Gershwin’s opera. Plus, Connee Boswell appears as herself (and convincingly so), sitting in with Schumacher’s band.

Syncopation is a very good film that holds up for contemporary viewers surprisingly well, considering it addresses (albeit gingerly) issues of race in the early 1940s. Granted, the appearance of an all-white all-star band in the closing scene is problematic, but evidently someone made the decision to assemble the winners of a Saturday Evening Post readers’ poll. Frankly, we are probably lucky they voted for legit swingers like Benny Goodman and Charlie Barnett. If only Dieterle and company had used Downbeat instead. Still, the film is quite sensitive and inclusive for its time and swings rather hardily. Recommended for fans of jazz and classic Hollywood, Syncopation screens this Monday (6/8) at Film Forum, along with the Jazz on a Spring Day collection of musical shorts.


Posted on June 5th, 2015 at 2:51pm.

Dystopian Doll People: LFM Reviews Patch Town

By Joe Bendel. It will confirm the suspicions of parents who survived the Cabbage Patch riots of the early 1980s to learn those dolls were part of an evil scheme. Technically, these moppets are not called “Cabbage Patch Kids,” but the resemblance is striking. In all fairness, said dolls are all sweetness and innocence, but they come from a sinister factory. They are also flesh-and-blood, most of the time. One such doll will try to escape his evil overlord in Craig Goodwill’s self-consciously strange Patch Town, which opens today in New York.

Once upon a time, so to speak, Gregor, a well-meaning but short-sighted Russian inventor discovered there were real babies growing in his cabbage patch. He tried to adopt each and every one of them, causing considerable resentment with his biological son Yuri, but the volume was too great for him. Logically, he invented a machine that temporarily transformed the babies into dolls that were subsequently sent out into the world until they can be safely reclaimed. Tragically, Gregor soon dies, leaving the leaf babies entrusted to the cruel Yuri (a.k.a. Child Catcher). Yuri does indeed retrieve the dolls as the little girls they were entrusted to grow and forget about childish things, forcing the re-animated cherubs to toil in his Orwellian doll factory.

Jon and Mary are two such doll prols. They are timid by nature, yet they still managed to adopt a little baby girl, in clear violation of Patch Town law, because they are so full of love. When Yuri ominously sniffs them out, the terrified new parents have to make a break for our world. During the escape coordinated by Sly, the dodgy people trafficker and part-time department store Santa’s elf, Jon’s repressed memories come flooding back. He becomes convinced Bethany, the little girl he knew as his “mother,” can help if he can find her.

From "Patch Town."

So yeah, Patch Town sounds like a cult film to beat the band, which is why it is so annoying that it never takes flight. Did we mention it is also a musical? It sort of is, but you will be hard-pressed to remember any of the tunes. The film apparently assumes the very fact that they are there is enough. Goodwill’s screenplay, co-written with Christopher Bond and Trevor Martin is even more problematic. Despite the strange universe they create, the narrative follows a disappointingly predictable pattern, with learning moments inserted in exactly the spots screenwriting handbooks say they should go.

With their rosy cheeks, Rob Ramsey and Stephanie Pltiladis look perfect as Jon and Mary, but they are wilting roses on the screen. As Yuri (and Gregor), Julian Richlings looks like he is trying to bulge his eyes so far out, he might have a stroke at any time. At least Zoie Palmer stays grounded and shows a respectable range as Jon’s grown mother, Bethany. Still, Suresh John’s Sly is the real saving grace, cutting through the film’s self-seriousness and heavy-handed messaging with tartly delivered sarcasm.

Patch Town is definitely a kitchen sink movie, but somehow Goodwill forgot to cram in the fun. The design team created an impressive looking dystopian urban fantasy world, but the confused anti-corporate soapboxing and blatant manipulation grow tiresome. It is the sort of film that looks so promising cult cinema connoisseurs will still want to judge it for themselves when it opens today (6/5) in New York, at the Cinema Village (but We Are Still Here should be a much higher priority).


Posted on June 5th, 2015 at 2:51pm.

LFM Reviews Bad Exorcists @ The 2015 Dances With Films

By Joe Bendel. Whether you believe or not, demonic possession is simply no business to trifle with, but kids will be kids. These kids in question are especially inept in social situations. The three high school chums hope to raise their place in the pecking order by taking the grand prize at their local horror film festival with real life exorcism footage. Unfortunately, it all gets more real than they bargained for in Kyle Steinbach’s Bad Exorcists, which screens during the eighteenth Dances With Films, in Hollywood, California.

The nebbish Charlie is being led-on by a chick who really isn’t his girlfriend, but she lets him think she is when she wants to exploit his good nature. He also happens to have a crush on the popular and reasonably together Lisa, who has just returned from her junior exchange year abroad. Matt is the Jewish kid at their Catholic school, who often serves as the devil on his friends’ shoulders. As for Dana, he is just a mess.

They have DIY horror movie aspirations, but not a lot of talent. However, Matt is convinced if they steal Sister Helen’s ancient exorcism manual and chant some of the incantations within, the authenticity will take them to the next level. Much to Charlie’s surprise and nervous excitement, Matt even recruits Lisa to star in their film as the victim of possession. Of course, as we can all see coming, by incompletely reciting the powerful texts over Lisa, they actually help facilitate her demonic possession.

There have been no shortage of horror comedies in recent years, but many have been rather darned amusing, by cranking up the energy level and avoiding Friedberg & Seltzer’s painfully stupid level of humor. Happily, Exorcists is one that makes the grade. There is nothing truly jaw-dropping or gut-busting about it, but the film is clearly in touch with both the horror and teen movie traditions, knowingly observing and tweaking their respective conventions. Steinbach keeps it all moving along at a healthy gallop and stages scenes of demonic horror that should satisfy genre diehards (that kid in the barn is pretty darn creepy).

Some cast members look a tad old for high school, but they all exhibit a natural facility for the American Pie-style humor. As Lisa, Claire Berger shows a particularly impressive range, earning laughs with deadpan sarcasm and totally going Regan MacNeil in the third act.

Yes, Bad Exorcists is definitely a bit of a meathead movie and the sexually voracious depiction of Sister Helen is highly problematic and may ultimately lead to a few days in Purgatory for the filmmakers (if demons are real, there is no reason to think it no longer exists). However, for horror fans it is just a fun film to watch, which is more than enough for a Saturday night in June. Recommended for midnight movie regulars, Bad Exorcists screens tomorrow, as part of DWF18.


Posted on June 5th, 2015 at 2:50pm.