By Jason Apuzzo. Here are more of my summer dispatches:
Men in Black 3
After a three year absence from the movies, superstar Will Smith returns to save planet Earth from alien invasion again by traveling back to 1969 to help his straight-laced partner, K – here played by Josh Brolin, in a spot-on, dry-comic imitation of a young Tommy Lee Jones (who also appears in the film). The equivalent of a live action Warner Brothers cartoon, MIB3 showcases director Barry Sonnenfeld’s trademark visual humor, gooey aliens, some light satire at the expense of the loopy 1960s, a nice supporting performance by Emma Thompson, and a great recreation of the Apollo 11 moon launch. Don’t expect any undue brain strain watching this film, however; MIB3 is basically just an expensive platform for Will Smith’s goofy humor – which hasn’t yet grown old, even if this retro-style series probably has.

Chernobyl Diaries
The basic message of this generally predictable, by-the-book scream fest from writer-producer Oren Peli (Paranormal Activity) is: stay out of Russia. When a group of not-very-bright American 20-somethings indulge in some ‘extreme tourism’ by visiting Pripyat (former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor) with a shifty tour guide named ‘Yuri,’ they get a lot more than they bargained for when something creepy begins attacking them after dark. Peli & Co. keep things tense by never really showing you very much – but the characters are too bland and stupid to care about, like they just wandered in from a Final Destination 12 audition. Still, Russian officialdom comes across pretty badly in Chernobyl Diaries; don’t expect any gala Kremlin screenings of this film, with its hints of dark doings on the part of Russia’s military-scientific complex.
[Editor’s note: for thoughts on the whole Russia vs. Ukraine issue, please see the comments section below.]
Posted on May 26th, 2012 at 12:37pm.