FRANCE EATS HOLLYWOOD’S LUNCH: LFM Reviews the New French Anti-Terrorism Thriller The Assault @ Tribeca 2011

By Joe Bendel. It was France’s Entebbe. In what is often referred to as “the most successful anti-terrorist operation in history” (at least among those not involving the Israelis), French commandos stormed an airliner hijacked by Algerian Islamist terrorists on Christmas Eve. The hijackers had no intention of negotiating. Their plan was to crash Air France 8969 into the Eifel Tower. The year was 1994. The missed lessons are painfully obvious. In a case of France eating Hollywood’s lunch, Julien Leclercq vividly dramatizes the historic raid in The Assault (French trailer above), which screens at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival.

The Algerian terrorists were Islamic and they never let their captives forget it. As soon as they secured the plane, Abdul Abdullah Yahia and his accomplices forced all the women to cover-up with makeshift head scarves. The French being French, they first tried to appease GIA terrorists. Not surprisingly, the Islamist GIA was not interested in a payoff. They were hoping to make a big statement instead. Fortunately, they were delayed so long in Algiers (where the Algerians refused to remove the gangway stairs from the airliners, yet perversely denied permission for the French GIGN SWAT team to operate in-country), Flight 8969 was forced to stop for refueling in Marseilles.

Considering the film is called The Assault, it is not much of a spoiler to say the GIGN eventually board the plane. However, there is nothing video game-like about the film’s centerpiece action sequence. This is close-quarters combat, vividly depicted as a distinctly violent, claustrophobic, confusing, and messy proposition. Tense and scrupulously realistic, these scenes are unlike anything peddled by recent antiseptic Hollywood action movies.

Reportedly the terrorists were even more sadistic than they’re portrayed as being in Assault. Of course, there are understandable limits to what a commercial release can bear (particularly in France). To his credit, Leclercq and co-screenwriter Simon Moutairou never try to ameliorate the terrorists’ crimes with sympathetic back-stories. Instead they show them executing hostages in cold blood. Frankly, the GIA as seen in Assault can only be described as hateful savages.

Assault’s one weakness is the rather cookie-cutter characterization of the GIGN officers. Viewers only glimpse the private life of Thierry, a family man wrestling with his conscience after his previous assignment. The rest are essentially interchangeable. However, Mélanie Bernier makes a strong impression as Carole Jeanton, an ambitious Interior Ministry bureaucrat, who goes from Chamberlain-esque appeaser to a Churchillian advocate for an armed response to terror in about thirty seconds flat. Maybe it was the guns pointed at her.

The Assault is the sort of action film Hollywood ought to be producing at regular clip, but refuses to do so for petty ideological reasons. Still, though the GIGN emerges as the film’s heroes, the French government takes quite a few lumps. Recreating an important historical incident with grit and tick-tock precision, Leclercq’s Assault is easily one of the best selections at this year’s Tribeca. It screens Thursday (4/28).

Posted on April 25th, 2011 at 9:00am.

Disney’s Tron and ‘Digital Freedom’

Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde in "Tron: Legacy."

By David Ross. I finally saw the vacuous Tron: Legacy (see here for Libertas’ original review). My motive was less science fiction completism than the desire to take a long gander at Olivia Wilde, whom I last saw kissing Mischa Barton in The O.C., but the movie managed to frustrate even this simple desire. La Wilde does not appear until the movie is half over, and then in a boyish bob and inexplicably unflattering rubber cat-suit. In the end, I had to make due with a mere glimpse of shoulder: thin compensation for two hours of Tron’s mumbo jumbo.

The movie denounces joyless soulless totalitarian mechanism, but who favors joyless soulless totalitarian mechanism? This is about as interesting as coming out against puppy torture or tulip decapitation. What two-year-old wouldn’t understand that sunless realms devoted to murderous bloodsport are somehow bad? Serious dystopian works are about the nuanced psychology of totalitarianism (v. The Lives of Others). Only Hollywood pats itself on the back merely for recognizing that totalitarian systems are – to choose an IQ-appropriate word – yucky.

All of this is water under the bridge of another exercise in Hollywood banality. What I really want to mention is the delicious Disney hypocrisy with which the film opens. Grid inventor Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) tells his son as he goes through the good-guy routine of tucking him into bed: “Clu, Tron, and I built a system where all information was free and open. [Nostalgic sigh]. Beautiful.”

The Encom boardroom.

We then proceed by route of cliché to the dark, metallic boardroom where the evil corporation Encom is counting its money. Bruce Boxleitner, an old Flynn protégé, asks: “Given the prices that we charge to students and schools, what sort of improvements have been made in Encom OS-12?” The mustache-twirling CEO says: “This year we put a 12 on the box.” A techie-genius-for-hire chimes in: “OS-12 is the most secure operating system ever released. The idea of sharing our software or giving it away for free disappeared with Kevin Flynn.”

This is too rich coming from the company that rammed through the so-called “Mickey Mouse Protection Act“; that sued L.A. produce vendors for selling piñatas featuring unlicensed Disney characters; that sued a pair of clowns for sporting Disney-themed costumes. I recall a funny episode of The Simpsons in which – parody verging on reality – the mere mention of Disney brings two lawyers immediately to the door with a cease-and-desist order.

And the chutzpah of the allusion to “improvements”! Disney has never met a peacefully interred classic that it was not ready to disinter and pimp out. Exhibits A and B: Cinderella II: Dreams Come True and Cinderella III: A Twist in Time. This is worse than merely repackaging the same old product (which by the way Disney does all the time in the form of “Platinum Editions”); this is willfully disfiguring mythic pattern, confusing something that was unconfused.

Posted on April 25th, 2011 at 8:26am.