UPDATED: Kennedy Series Pulled by History Channel Due to Network’s ‘Rigorous Standards’; Ancient Aliens Apparently OK

By Jason Apuzzo. According to The Hollywood Reporter, 24 creator Joel Surnow’s 8-part miniseries The Kennedys has apparently been cancelled by The History Channel after the show “was not considered historically accurate enough for the network’s rigorous standards.” The series stars Greg Kinnear, Katie Holmes and Tom Wilkinson.

I’m laughing at this, because just the other day while channel surfing I happened to notice that The History Channel is still running its rigorously accurate series Ancient Aliens, featuring theories on extraterrestrial visitations to our planet – theories explained by such noted, credible scholars as Erich von Däniken.

Greg Kinnear & Katie Holmes in "The Kennedys."

What a farce this decision is.

For the record, Govindini and I know Joel and are certain that he and his team have put together a show that more than merits a showing on a network that currently includes on its schedule such scrupulously accurate series as MonsterQuest, The Bible Code: Predicting Armageddon, Nostradamus Effect, The Real Face of Jesus?, Stan Lee’s Superhumans and UFO Hunters.

We’ve embedded the trailer for Joel’s series above, and frankly it looks great. It also appears to be pointed and opinionated on the subject of the Kennedys – but nothing out of bounds, from what I’ve thus far seen.

After all, don’t we already know that image and reality were often quite different with respect to the Kennedys? God forbid that discrepancy would actually be dramatized in a television series.

As a side note, The History Channel has just guaranteed a few more ratings points for this series when it eventually airs on another network (possibly Showtime, according to reports) – which it inevitably will.

[UPDATE: Thanks to Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air for linking to this post. Welcome to our Hot Air readers.]

[UPDATE #2: It now appears that The History Channel pulled the show due to lobbying on behalf of Caroline Kennedy, and also Maria Shriver according to The Hollywood Reporter. As the story goes, the History Channel is co-owned by Disney – and Kennedy herself has a book deal with Disney – and she was planning to appear on (Disney’s) ABC network to do some exclusive promotion of the book. So it seems that Disney received an ‘either/or’ choice from the Kennedys, and ultimately decided to drop the show – and concoct this ludicrous story about the show ‘not being up to network standards.’ And so the farce goes on.]

Posted on January 8th, 2011 at 5:15pm.