By Jason Apuzzo. • Can the theocrats in Iran possibly be any more obnoxious? It’s bad enough that Iran is blocking Jafar Panahi from attending the Venice Film Festival, but now a hard-line Iranian newspaper is calling Carla Bruni a “prostitute,” because she had the audacity to condemn a stoning sentence against an Iranian woman convicted of adultery. This paper later asserted that Bruni should herself be stoned. What pigs.
I hope you boys in Iran enjoy this picture I found above of France’s First Lady. I tried to find something smoky, sinful-Western-decadent, and sharia non-compliant … just for you! Pull up a bowl of pistachios for yourself and check out what we get to enjoy here in the West, while you boys gawk at black robes all day.
By the way, it would be wonderful if our own First Lady showed the slightest interest in these matters – you know, human rights abuses against women – while she’s busy during her frantic vacation schedule.

• Mad Men is on the cover of Rolling Stone right now. Yowza! Couldn’t resist.
• We’re now learning that the Discovery Channel gunman was apparently a radical environmentalist who experienced an ‘‘awakening” after he watched An Inconvenient Truth – how genuinely inconvenient. This would also seem to imply that he actually stayed ‘awake’ during the film. No wonder he went crazy. [Did he make it through Avatar, too?]
Based on what I’ve read about this guy (he apparently thought that human beings needed to be exterminated from the Earth, in order to make room for the animals), it’s surprising to me that he would’ve been so disgruntled about cable programming these days. Didn’t he see Life After People ?
I know it’s tragic that this person has lost his life – and I apologize if I seem insensitive here – but I’m allowed to be completely unsurprised, and downright cynical, about the fact that our entertainment industry is actually instilling psychosis in our citizens, implanting lies about humanity (that we’re a curse to our planet, etc.) that are now bearing an awful fruit. You might call this process ‘inception,’ so to speak.

• Variety just did a feature on Mao’s Last Dancer, and the incredible challenges of shooting that film in China. Still waiting for Fox News to do feature story #1 on this film. Anybody awake over there?
• On the sci-fi front, you really didn’t think there could be another alien invasion film greenlit, did you? Well, you’d be wrong, because we have another, called Transmission. This time it’s “a British sci-fi feature being shot in 3D and centered around an alien invasion during an solar eclipse,” with the film being described as “Pitch Black meets 28 Days Later.” Proposed cast: Bob Hoskins, Jason Flemying, Talulah Riley, Willem Dafoe. So here we go again. Why the aliens would bother to wait for a solar eclipse is anybody’s guess – but at least this film they’ll be shooting natively in 3D, as opposed to post-converting it. With respect to Ms. Riley’s presence in the film (see right), the 3D approach certainly seems like a good idea.
In related news, there are some new set photos out of Rihanna in Battleship; and we’ve also got some new Tron: Legacy posters out today.
• Apple is re-booting Apple TV, and is now going to be streaming TV shows through iTunes. Everyone seems to be underwhelmed by this news. I think the problem here is that everyone is looking for the 1 great app that will unify all digital content consumption (TV, phone, web, DVDs, etc.) and that’s never going to happen. We’re just going to keep getting these little advancements until someone invents a Brain Chip. I assume Google is working on that.
• Perfect irony: Variety reports that an Indian (south Asian) production team will be doing a $30 million biopic of Christ; meanwhile, back in Hollywood, 3 TV networks are fighting over a series to be titled Good Christian Bitches. [Sigh.] I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. On a somewhat related noted, a new survey suggests that moviegoers by and large are still willing to watch Mel Gibson in movies. I am too – in old ones, that is.
• AND IN TODAY’S MOST IMPORTANT NEWS … we thought we’d take a look at British star Talulah Riley (see above), who will apparently be battling alien invaders (who isn’t these days?) in the forthcoming British thriller, Transmission. Let’s hope she’s up to it – she may have to quit smoking, first.
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood.
Posted on September 2nd, 2010 at 5:22pm.