By Jason Apuzzo. • Twilight: Eclipse is breaking more box office records. Biggest 3rd Screening on a Summer Wednesday after 2pm with the Temperature over 70, etc. There’s also an interesting story over at The Wrap about how the Twilight films cost relatively little to make ($50 mil production budget, $50 mil marketing), although the price of these films is going up as the kids morph into expensive stars.
I’ve said it before here and will say it again: whatever you think of these films (and yes, we’ll be reviewing the new one shortly), they’re going to be paradigm shifters as Hollywood slowly weans itself off expensive fanboy fare. It’s just becoming too expensive for the industry to keep Harry Knowles and his army of Rugrats happy.
• There’s a rumor going around about Johnny Depp starring as Dr. Who. I’m not a fan of Depp’s, and never have been – but this might actually be perfect casting. Or will they pick Adrien Brody?
• Here’s Restropo‘s Sebastian Junger commenting on the General McChrystal situation. I think Junger’s take on it is pretty sensible. Takeaway: military guys should steer clear from Rolling Stone reporters.

•There’s a lot of debate going around about who’s to blame for Knight and Day. The industry seems to be treating the film as a kind of human rights atrocity, roughly on a par with Darfur. Patrick Goldstein’s readers are saying it’s Cruise’s fault. Blogger Vadim Rizov, whom I’m reading a lot lately, is also asking a question I ask all the time: why is everyone so eager to crucify Cruise? It’s a sensible question. Here’s the answer: it’s dangerous to be too successful in Hollywood over a long period of time.
• AND IN TODAY’S MOST IMPORTANT NEWS … Happy Birthday Olivia de Havilland! Turner Classic Movies is showing her films all day long. Besides being one of the cinema’s greatest stars, Olivia was half of what is in my opinion the most charming and romantic screen couple ever when she was paired with Errol Flynn. [Footnote: it’s still amazing to me that the similarly talented and ravishing Joan Fontaine is Olivia’s sister. They were raised together in the Bay Area, near San Jose. Both of them, I’m happy to report, are still lovely and active today.] We wish Olivia the very best on her big day!
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood.
Posted on July 1st, 2010 at 1:31pm.