By Jason Apuzzo. • The new trailer for The Green Hornet is out, and I agree with The New York Post’s Lou Lumenick that it is so transcendently awful, so smugly idiotic, as to be almost indescribable. Why was Seth Rogen allowed within 3,000 miles of this project?
• Fans are already lining up, waiting for the next installment of the Twilight series … and some are now asking whether Twilight has a pro-life, pro-Mormon subtext to it. I’m not going to even pretend to know the answer to that, but if I was 18 and female I’ll bet I would.
• Disney’s first Marvel superhero franchise picture will apparently be Dr. Strange, probably because that’s the only available character left.
• More 3D digital screens are being made available all the time, but fewer audiences are flocking to them due to higher ticket prices. This is a completely predictable development, mimicking certain tendencies from the short-lived 1950s 3D craze. I believe it was Patrick Goldstein of the LA Times who recently warned the industry that it was, in effect, killing the goose that lays the golden egg by prematurely raising 3D ticket prices. Well, the goose has now left the building. With Elvis. Or something.
• Disney is debuting its Tron products/swag line, including toys, video games and apparel. Seth Rogen’s not in this film, right? Just checking.

• Oliver Stone is now saying that neither Castro nor Hugo Chavez are really dictators, as his South of the Border documentary gets ready for its (not so) big U.S. release. We may go on a hiatus from commenting on Oliver for a while, as his remarks become increasingly calibrated to: 1) court cheap publicity; 2) land him a detox booking at Passages Malibu.

• Harry Potter’s Daniel Radcliffe is attached to star in All Quiet on the Western Front, an adaptation of a classic war novel that has little relevance to the current war we’re fighting – yet will be ceaselessly promoted as ‘relevant’ once it’s released.
• The remake of Footloose has a new star, as well as an April 1st release date for next year and no, I’m not kidding about that.
• Jon Voight criticizes President Obama today for selling out both Israel … and Arizona. Btw, is Deliverance on Blu-ray yet? That would be awesome.
• AND IN TODAY’S MOST IMPORTANT NEWS … Rotten Tomatoes is featuring a behind-the-scenes early first look at Centurion, the new sword-and-sandles film starring former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko. Ancient Rome gets such a bad name these days – it’s nice to see the Romans finally get a little love thrown their way on the big screen.
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood.
Posted on June 22nd, 2010 at 6:35pm.