By Jason Apuzzo. • BP decides to purchase Kevin Costner oil separator. Costner officially wins MOST HELPFUL CELEBRITY IN THE GULF sweepstakes. James Cameron goes home sulking to clean his pool using underwater robots. Costner still hasn’t been paid by BP yet, even though he’s been promised money. As a Hollywood actor, he should be used to that.
• The Karate Kid leading The A-Team by wide margin at weekend box office. Battle of the 80’s remakes. Heads may roll over at Fox due to the ongoing A-Team debacle; pic had 11 writers, over 10 years in development. Sort of like Hillary’s presidential campaign.
• Twilight: Breaking Dawn will be broken into two movies … for the same reason the final ‘Harry Potter’ novel is being broken down into two movies: they’ll make more money, and they’ll fit better into the overhead storage bins on Delta.
• Meg Whitman being outpaced by Jerry Brown in raising Hollywood money, even though Meg was once a senior Disney executive. This is only happening because Jerry used to be such a hot development exec at Marvel.
• Batman 3 may start filming in March 2011, although neither the script nor a cast has been finalized. Rumors flying that the new villain will be Helen Thomas.
• Clash of the Titans 2 has a new pair of screenwriters. Before they write a word, they should read this post so that the original story isn’t wrecked any further.

• Sam Raimi has been approached to direct a Wizard of Oz prequel for Disney, to compete with two other Oz-related projects developing at Warner Brothers. Why is the faraway, fantasy land of Oz suddenly so popular in Obama era?
• Celebrity mistresses are really cashing in these days, according to Fox News. Btw, is there an iPhone app for Tiger mistresses?
• Sofia Coppola’s next film, Somewhere, will likely show at the Venice Film Festival, and will feature an eclectic cast that will include Stephen Dorff, Michelle Monaghan, Benicio del Toro and twin Playboy Bunnies Karissa and Kristina Shannon. I’ll watch anything Sofia does. Looking forward to this film! Will there be an accompanying Coppola wine?
• AND IN TODAY’S MOST IMPORTANT NEWS … a group of French psychiatrists have concluded that Darth Vader must’ve suffered from ‘borderline personality disorder.’ That’s part of Darth’s problem, but those Sith robes are also so restrictive around the waist …
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood …
Posted on June 12, 2010 at 7:26pm.