By Jason Apuzzo. • The full Captain America costume has been revealed – in hi-def, multi-angled detail. And, thankfully, there appear to be no UN markings or indications of one-world cooperation. Also: there’s some Captain America casting news coming down the pike. Inquiring minds want to know: are Iron Man and Captain America going to suck the life out of Superman and Spider-Man? May be too late for re-boots on those.
• In related news, Rush Limbaugh biopic being shopped around Hollywood. It’s tempting to say something political here, but you know what the problem is? Hollywood isn’t doing good biopics on anybody these days. They’ll miscast this (my prediction: Philip Seymour Hoffman), spend too much, take snarky liberal pot shots, and make it 3 hours long. [Still reeling from how Amelia Earhart’s story was botched last year. How do you botch that?] Important question here: who gets to play Ann Coulter?
• You can’t stop James Cameron, you can only hope to contain him. Cameron going around everywhere griping about BP, the oil spill, how he and his team of experts need to clean the thing up … Plus he’s going to re-release Titanic in 3D in 2012 (100th anniversary of ship’s sinking), and probably his next project will be the Avatar sequel. If you’re Michael Moore or Oliver Stone right now, you’ve got to be hating life. How did Cameron so quickly steal their gig? Maybe Moore can re-issue Roger & Me in 3D.
• The Sex and the City 2 controversy rolls on, and now there’s word that a “Sex and the City” prequel may be in the works in order to import young babes into the franchise. (Maybe a few hunky vampires while they’re at it?) There’s no way they’re going to let this franchise go, given the money it’s making. Film’s snarky p.c./misogynist critics looking irrelevant right now.
• Actress Q’orianka Kilcher ties herself to White House fence in support of indigenous peoples worldwide, gets arrested. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen in the Obama era. Her mother is also described as having “poured a black substance over her.” [BP oil?] Brando spent half his adult life impregnating chicks like this, without having to pour anything over them. By the way, it’s nice to see that Obama’s got to deal with this stuff now, instead of just Bush. Hope you enjoy this stuff, Barry!

• Sean Penn featured in Vanity Fair, picturesquely helping out Haitians. It’s great that he’s helping, but can this guy go anywhere without a camera crew? Is that even possible anymore?
• Rock band Rush tells Rand Paul to stop playing their music at his events. Battle of the Libertarians.
• Bret Ratner to do new, ‘edgy’ version of Snow White legend. Snow White to be deflowered? Ratner should stick to what he knows best, which is … actually I’m not coming up with anything here.
• Comedy Central has a new comedy show mocking Jesus, which they’re able to broadcast in perfect freedom and legality because American Christians aren’t threatening to chop Comedy Central executives’ heads off, despite what Rachel Weisz may tell you.
• FINALLY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY … Fox News is currently featuring an on-line American flag bikini show, perfect for a Friday afternoon in June. Click on over to see precisely how much – and in what proportions – God has so generously blessed this country of ours.
And that’s what’s happening today in the wonderful world of Hollywood …